Well, as of last night, the packing has officially begun! My Mom and my youngest daughter were gracious enough to help me sort, check and catalog ALL my Precious Moment figurines. I knew I had a large number of them, since I've been collecting for years, but I didn't realize HOW many until I started pulling them out of my corner hutch, off shelves, bookcases and out of every room in the house (except the bathroom)! By the end of the evening we were more then tired of looking at Precious Moments. . .in fact, we had experienced all the "Precious Moments" we could handle for one night, hahahahaha! We did, however, get all of them done. . .go us! Now I have to clean them all and then decide which ones I will be taking to Ireland. Since over half of my collection has been retired or is currently suspended, I will probably leave most of them here. No reason to risk them getting broken or stolen during shipping. Our oldest daughter has volunteered to become the "guardian" of the Precious Moments after we move to Ireland. I told her to guard them with her life if she and her sisters wish to have an inheritance!
As we went through each of the figurines last night, I found myself remembering the reason I'd received some of them. For instance, when we got to "Baby's First Haircut" or "Baby's First Steps", I was transported back in time to when the girls were little, and my mind was flooded with happy memories. There is an entire lifetime of memories for me in those figurines. I was happy to be able to share some of those memories with my youngest daughter. Now that she knows the stories behind some of those Precious Moment figurines, those memories will continue on for another lifetime. That's a good thing!
4 years ago