Those of you that know me well, know how much I love pets, (especially dogs and cats). Well, one of the things that we were unable to bring with us to Ireland was our dog "HalfPint". Fortunately, he was "adopted" by my parents and is living the "life of Riley", so to speak. I honestly think if we tried to take him back now he would hate us forever. He lives very well at Grandma's house!
When we arrived in Ireland I was so delighted to find that God had even taken our "missing" pet issues into consideration when He gave us our house here in Mallow. You see, our next door neighbor, Nora, has a dog named Sandy who I just absolutely love. On February 18th. Sandy had puppies and now I'm really in "doggie heaven". They currently have two puppies left and I go over everyday to play with them and get my puppy fix for the day. Sandy is a wonderful mommy and keeps a very close eye on her babies.
I know to most people this may seem like a wasted post, but when you stop to realize that God cared enough to make sure I had a dog to love here in Ireland, it just reminds me of how much He really does care for me. I miss my "HalfPint", but now I have Sandy and her puppies (Herbie and Monty), to fill the "missing" pet hole in my heart.
Even in the simple things, God always provides!