I've decided that I have to be the world's worst "blogger"! I can't even claim "blogger ignorance", I know that I'm supposed to update on a regular basis. I just never get around to it for some reason. I'd like to say that I'll do better, but I doubt that's going to happen. Guess I won't be winning the "Blogger of the Year" award. I was so looking forward to all the fame and fortune that comes with that honor. The talk show circuit, the magazine articles, speaking for all the college commencements, etc. Oh well, something to strive for next year!
Things here in Ireland are going very well! The church continues to grow and God continues to give us new outreach opportunities. We had a great Kids Holiday Bible Club this past summer. The kids absolutely love coming to this each year. Kids will even stop us in town and ask if we're going to be having it again. It's a lot of work, but when you see the excitement on those little faces you know it's worth every minute of planning.
Our family is doing well also. Our grandson will be a year old on October 29th. It doesn't seem possible that it's been a year already. Just thinking about him and his adorable smile warms my heart. I love being a "Nana". Our youngest daughter, Tiffani, is a Junior at Liberty University. She is studying Child Psychology and doing very well. Our middle daughter, Tara, also the mother of our grandson, is finishing up her Nursing Degree and working full time. Needless to say, she has her hands full! Our oldest daughter, Trisha, works at a bank part time and is also very active in our home church. God has blessed us with an amazing family!
I think this brings us up to date so far. Oh, I did forget one thing ~ we have added a cat to our family. Sheldon, (named by Tiff), is five months old and has become quite a joy to have around. I forgot how crazy kittens can be, but I'm sure he'll mellow with age. Ohhhhhh, how I hope he mellows with age! Okay, now that really should be everything.
May God bless you and yours and may each day be a new reminder of His amazing love!
4 years ago