Yesterday, Wednesday, August 26th, Bob and I had to go to our local Immigration Officer here in Mallow to see about getting our "one year stamp". Ireland only gives "Religious Workers" permission to stay in the country for a year at a time now. It used to be that they would give you a three year stamp, but that has changed within the last year or so. Anyway, we went to the Immigration Office in order to get our stamp, not really knowing what to expect. Other missionaries had told us how they had to go back seven or eight times before Irish Immigration was satisfied. We had also heard stories of people not being allowed to stay in Ireland and being told they had three months to leave the country. With all this in our heads, we went with quite a bit of reservation and "nervous belly". We arrived at 3 pm (right on time), and began the process of registering as "Missionaries" in the country of Ireland. In less than one hour we were leaving the Immigration Office with our "one year stamp" granted. We will receive our Immigration Cards next week. Praise the Lord, once again He proved "Almighty".
We will have to return each year, for the next three years, to allow Immigration to recheck our status. After the three year mark we may have to change our visa status unless the Irish laws change in regards to "Religious Workers Visas". However, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, for now, we are praising God for giving us our "one year stamp", and for allowing us the privilege of serving Him here in Ireland.
Thanks to all of you who have been praying for us -- God is hearing, and answering those prayers.
4 years ago
Hi Marilyn!
I'm just learning about Blogger. Your blog caught my eye. My name is Nina. My daughter-in-law's family is from Ireland. They want an Irish name for their first baby girl. Any ideas?
Stay safe and God bless,
Hi Nina,
Welcome to my blog! It's a pleasure to have you. I hope you enjoy reading the blog and also following me on my adventures as a missionary in the country of Ireland.
As far as Irish girl names, I would suggest doing a google search for "Irish Names For Girls". You will get a much larger selection than what I will be able to give you. Good luck searching.
I will be following your blog also, so I will be interested to see what name they pick.
God Bless you and yours,
Marilyn :o)
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