This summer has been filled with lots of activity and many opportunities to present Christ to the people of Mallow. In July we had a group of 26 from Breezy Hill Baptist Church, in South Carolina, come over to work with us for 10 days. They did everything from passing out flyer's, (over 4,000 of them to be exact), to conducting a Kids Bible Club, and then presented the people of Mallow with a free Gospel Concert. They even built the town a much needed fence. They worked hard and made a positive lasting impression on the towns people.
Then, the first of August, we had another group of 16 from our home church, Canton Baptist Temple, come over to serve with us for 7 days. They also passed out church information, held a Holiday Bible Club for us and helped us get our church name out to the community. Both of these groups did a marvelous job and people have already been added to our church because of their efforts. It takes more than just missionaries to make missions work. . .it takes all of us working together to bring Jesus to the world.
We also enjoyed having our youngest daughter, Tiffani, here with us for the summer. Nothing makes my "mama's" heart happier than to have my girls around. I do have to admit though, now that everyone has gone back to the states, our house is way to quiet for my liking, hahahaha!
Thanks to everyone who came, who worked, and who prayed for us this summer. God has great things planned for Mallow, and we're glad that you were a large part of that.
I know Tom LOVED Ireland! Thanks for hosting the group. I've heard lots of good things! :)
hey this is brad weaver what a small world breezy hill is my wifes uncles church in fact he was there with his wife terry and missy hughes
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