Okay, so as you know, I've been packing like a crazy women since I lost my job. Well, the other day (Monday to be exact), I realized that the house was starting to look like we really didn't live in it. I guess the best way to describe it was that the house no longer had any personality. It contained all the things needed to "function" in it, but nothing to show the character or individualism of it's occupants. The above observations were confirmed as accurate when my youngest daughter came home from school and said, "Wow Mom! It looks like we're moving tomorrow. . .can't you just leave some stuff out so it's not so bare?". Now, being the wonderful, loving mother that I am, I couldn't continue to let my baby girl feel ill at ease in her own home. So, I did the only other thing I knew to do to make her happy. . .I PUT ALL THE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS UP!
Our family has always waited until after Thanksgiving before we start the long process of "Christmas Decorating". Although I never really knew why we waited, other than the fact that no one wanted to climb into the attic to drag everything out. I decided that since this will be our last Christmas together in this house, I was going to make it last as long as possible. I will say that I held off putting up the main tree (I put up a second tree in my office), and I didn't put up any decorations outside yet. That's Bob's mission each year! I will wait until after Thanksgiving to do those two things. I have to admit, the house looks great! As I sit here typing this post, the Christmas tree in my office shines brightly in the corner, and it makes me feel like all is right in the world. My kitchen and living room are filled with Snowmen and Christmas candles and other bright, shiny "Christmasy" things. I love the glow that comes from the many candles I use and also the many "light up" decorations that I have. Oh, did I forget to mention the Christmas music that is playing in the background, hahahahahaha! I know, I know. . .I'm nuts, but I'm happy, and now more than ever I can say that I'm really ready for the holidays.
Go ahead, admit it. . .you know after reading this you want to go drag your Christmas boxes out of the attic and start decorating your own house. It's okay, I promise that your head won't explode if you plug in Christmas lights before you eat that last bite of turkey. Try it, and see if it doesn't end up being your best Christmas ever.
4 years ago
What you failed to mention to those who do not live close to you is that IT IS IN THE 70s AROUND HERE. Cheryl
You wrote this the 4th, it is now the 13......
FYI it is Dec. 4th.
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