Okay, so I admit that I've been a little lazy in my blog postings; however, I hope to correct that starting tonight. So, let me fill you in as to what has been happening in my life over the last three months. We celebrated three major holidays since I've posted last. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. I've attached the family picture that we took on Thanksgiving day. As with most holidays, we spent as much time with our families as possible. Of course, knowing that we will not be with our families next year for the holidays, made a big difference in how I approached each one. I found myself spending a lot of time standing back and watching and listening to all the excitement of each day. I wanted to burn each laugh and face into my memory for future recall when we're celebrating these same holidays next year without those me call family. God has truly blessed me!
Another big change that has happened since my last post, is that we have now moved out of our house (after 26 years), and into our churches mission house. We will be living here until we leave for Ireland on July 1, 2009. Moving out the house was quite traumatic I must admit. I really had to make that a matter of prayer. Although I understand that it's only a house, the fact still remains that we had lived there 26 years and all our girls were babies in that house. Any mothers reading this will understand what I'm saying. As always though, God did supply the strength and courage needed to make the move. He also sent us a great family, complete with kids and dogs, to take our house. I pray that they enjoy living there as much as our family did.
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