4 years ago
Friday, May 29, 2009
Shipping Container Fun
For those of you who have been following my blog, you are aware that I tend to use
the phrase "Praise God" a lot! Well, this blog is no exception, I have to say "Praise God", one more time. When I woke up this morning it was gloomy, rainy and just all around "yucky" outside. Why did this matter to me you ask? Well, you see, today was the day that we were scheduled to load our shipping container for Ireland. I could just see us trying to load everything we own into a container in the rain (not fun). Then, the driver of the semi called and informed us that he had been sent to the wrong city. He was sent to Kenton, Ohio, instead of Canton, Ohio. Because of this, he was going to be at least an hour late. . .oh joy! On top of all this, we weren't sure how many people would show up to help us. We had asked for six to eight people, but we didn't know how many would or could help with it being in the middle of the day. So now, the weather is less than perfect, our container is late, we don't know if we will have enough help to load, and on top of those things, I had a major case of nervous belly. Actually, I thought I was going to throw up at any moment, (sorry for being so graphic). This is where the phrase "Praise God" makes it's blog appearance. You see, by the time we got to the storage unit, we had close to twenty people to help load. The sun had come out and the sky was as clear and blue as I've ever seen it, and because the driver was so late he said we could take as long as we needed to load, (instead of the original time of two hours ONLY). Now you know why I have to use the phrase "Praise God" once again. He orchestrated every event of this day to perfection! Despite the container looking way to small for all the stuff we had, our "movers" did a great job of loading it. They were able to get everything in except two bookcases. I'm including a picture of the finished project. As you can see, there was "no room in the inn" by the time they were done. We'll let you know what happens when we open those doors in Ireland, hahahaha! Now, that might prove to be interesting. Thanks again to all who gave up their day to hang out with us, our stuff and a metal container. . .you really are the best!
Monday, May 25, 2009
A Tearful Memorial Day Service

On Sunday, our church had a special Memorial Day Service, as they usually do. They recognize all past and present service men/women, along with special music etc. I have always been extremely sentimental when it comes to our Country, our Flag, our service men/women and of course our National Anthem. Well, Sunday was no exception. . .the tears fell almost the entire service. They had asked all the service men/women who could still fit into their uniform to wear them on Sunday. During the service they asked all these people to come up to the platform. As I watched as men in their seventy's, and some closer to eighty, walked down the aisle in their uniforms, (some with the help of canes), I couldn't help but notice the pride in which they carried themselves even after all these years. Then as our National Anthem begin to play, I couldn't help but cry as I watched these special men place their hand up to their forehead and salute our flag. By this time I was crying so hard I couldn't even sing the National Anthem. In fact, I was barely able to stay standing. It's so hard for me to understand how some Americans can be so blase' when it comes to all things patriotic. Have they forgotten what a great country we live in? Or maybe they've forgotten what freedom has truly cost us. Which ever one is true, I just wish more people were still brought to tears when they see our Flag, or hear our National Anthem.
I will miss seeing "Old Glory" flying freely when I'm in Ireland. I will also miss hearing our National Anthem played prior to sporting events, or celebrating July 4th. These are things that I didn't think about when I was making my mental "things I will miss in Ireland" list, but I will miss them - terribly!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
God Sent Us A Miracle
This morning (Tuesday, May 19th), the doctors were able to wake Jody (my sister in law), up without any issues. Within two hours of opening her eyes, they had removed the vent and stopped all other life support machinery and drugs. She is alert, ornery, and breathing on her own with little help from the nasal oxygen that they gave her. When I saw her tonight at 5 pm, she was complaining because they won't give her any regular food. All they had given her was liquids so far (for good reason).
They are planning on moving her up to the hospital's rehab floor tomorrow. For those of you who don't know, Jody has been on life support for a total of 14 days. We've already had a couple of the Doctors and Nurses tell us that they gave her little to no hope of surviving, but to see her make a complete recovery has them amazed. That is why I am claiming her recovery as a miracle! I am so thankful that God never loses control of any situation. Thank you Father, for being everything we need, even when we don't know what that need is.
They are planning on moving her up to the hospital's rehab floor tomorrow. For those of you who don't know, Jody has been on life support for a total of 14 days. We've already had a couple of the Doctors and Nurses tell us that they gave her little to no hope of surviving, but to see her make a complete recovery has them amazed. That is why I am claiming her recovery as a miracle! I am so thankful that God never loses control of any situation. Thank you Father, for being everything we need, even when we don't know what that need is.
Monday, May 18, 2009
ICU Waiting Rooms and Vending Machine Food

They have tried a couple of times to wake her up with the intent to remove the vent, but both times she struggled so much that they had to put her back under. The doctors have told my brother not to expect to take her home for at least a month or so. They say she will remain in ICU until the vent is removed, and then an additional two to three days after that. Once they are sure she can breath on her own they will transfer her to a rehabilitation facility where she will stay until she is strong enough to go home.
The family is tired, frustrated and sometimes confused, but despite all that, we still know that God is in complete control of Jody's life. The doctors are now (after eleven days), giving us a good prognosis, it's just going to take a long time (patience has never been one of our families virtues). Please pray for Jody, and the rest of the family.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Festival Of Tables
On Saturday, May 2nd, our church had what they call a "Festival Of Tables". Basicly, women volunteer to decorate tables and then these tables are judged and some are given prizes. They also then fill each table with eight to ten women for a wonderful luncheon. My friend Sheila, and I, decided that we would decorate a table this year and then invite our moms, and our daughters to join us for the luncheon. We had a blast coming up with our theme, and then planning what we would put on the table, and then finally putting it all together. We decided that our theme would be a
"Redneck Table". I've attached a couple of pictures so you can see how detailed we were in our planning. Unfortunately, we didn't win any prizes, but we sure had a great time doing the table, and then spending the afternoon with our moms and the girls - that was priceless!
I've determined that the reason we didn't win anything is because, just like in life, Rednecks are good for laughs and giggles, but when it comes to "money time", we're never taken seriously. :o)
If you ever have the chance to attend one of Canton Baptist Temples "Festival Of Tables", you have to go - it is a great time.
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