Monday, May 18, 2009

ICU Waiting Rooms and Vending Machine Food

On Thursday, May 7th, my mom called me to let me know that my sister-in-law, Jody (my brother's wife), was in ICU at one of the local hospitals in our area. Apparently, she came home from work the night before and wasn't feeling well. By midnight they were headed to the ER and everything went downhill from there. She was admitted with Septic Shock (a bacteria of the blood). In the process of fixing that issue, she contracted Septic Pneumonia. She has been on life-support since then. Just when we think she is getting better, something else happens and she takes two steps backward. I know that God is ALWAYS in control, but it is so hard to watch her lay there hooked up to all that machinery. Jody has never been a sickly person. She works hard, plays hard, and loves her family to the extreme.

They have tried a couple of times to wake her up with the intent to remove the vent, but both times she struggled so much that they had to put her back under. The doctors have told my brother not to expect to take her home for at least a month or so. They say she will remain in ICU until the vent is removed, and then an additional two to three days after that. Once they are sure she can breath on her own they will transfer her to a rehabilitation facility where she will stay until she is strong enough to go home.

The family is tired, frustrated and sometimes confused, but despite all that, we still know that God is in complete control of Jody's life. The doctors are now (after eleven days), giving us a good prognosis, it's just going to take a long time (patience has never been one of our families virtues). Please pray for Jody, and the rest of the family.

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