On Sunday, our church had a special Memorial Day Service, as they usually do. They recognize all past and present service men/women, along with special music etc. I have always been extremely sentimental when it comes to our Country, our Flag, our service men/women and of course our National Anthem. Well, Sunday was no exception. . .the tears fell almost the entire service. They had asked all the service men/women who could still fit into their uniform to wear them on Sunday. During the service they asked all these people to come up to the platform. As I watched as men in their seventy's, and some closer to eighty, walked down the aisle in their uniforms, (some with the help of canes), I couldn't help but notice the pride in which they carried themselves even after all these years. Then as our National Anthem begin to play, I couldn't help but cry as I watched these special men place their hand up to their forehead and salute our flag. By this time I was crying so hard I couldn't even sing the National Anthem. In fact, I was barely able to stay standing. It's so hard for me to understand how some Americans can be so blase' when it comes to all things patriotic. Have they forgotten what a great country we live in? Or maybe they've forgotten what freedom has truly cost us. Which ever one is true, I just wish more people were still brought to tears when they see our Flag, or hear our National Anthem.
I will miss seeing "Old Glory" flying freely when I'm in Ireland. I will also miss hearing our National Anthem played prior to sporting events, or celebrating July 4th. These are things that I didn't think about when I was making my mental "things I will miss in Ireland" list, but I will miss them - terribly!
That is so sweet. I would have been teary-eyed too. :)
Hi Marilyn
Ah I am tring to dry the tears.
Just wanted to come by and check in with you .
Sending you happy thoughts,hugs and blessings too!
While you will miss these things ,you will also carry them in your heart and they will become so much more dear to you than words can explain.
looking forward to more updates.
God be with you .
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