Since it is already after 1 am and I was planning on getting up tomorrow around 6:30 am, I'm going to keep this blog entry "short and sweet". This will also be my last post until I get to Ireland and get an Internet connection, so keep checking back often.
Tonight we said our final goodbyes to our daughters, my parents, and even our dog Halfpint. Amazing how attached you become to those little "furry ones"! He will be living with my parents from now on. It will be a good thing for all of them, but I will miss him -- terribly! Saying goodbye to the girls and my parents was "gut wrenching". . .that's the only description that seems to come close to how it made me feel. Even as I type this post, it's hard to see the keyboard as I battle the tears in my eyes. I know without a doubt that God has called us to Ireland, I just wish the "getting there" was easier, ya know?
Please continue to pray for Bob and I as we prepare to serve God in the country of Ireland. We are very excited to see what He has planned for us and for the people of that amazing country. I would also ask that you continue to pray for our three daughters, and the rest of our family that will be here in the states. It's hard to be the ones left behind! They will continue to do the same things they've always done, and go to the same places, but we won't be there -- that's hard!
Well, I'm off to try and get some sleep, and then Ireland here I come -- woohoo!
4 years ago
1 comment:
Praying for you and your family.
Can't wait to hear updates when you get to Ireland! :)
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