On the evening of June 5th, 2009, I watched as our youngest daughter, Tiffani, graduated from high school. We are so proud of her! She graduated with honors and was also her class Valedictorian. She was extremely nervous about giving her speech, but she did a great job. She also sang at her graduation ceremonies, which she also did very well. It doesn't seem possible that she will be off to college this fall. It seems like she grew up over night. I'm sure it was just yesterday that
we brought her home from the hospital -- well, maybe not yesterday, but close to it! It was so hard to watch her cross that platform and get her diploma. I wanted to jump up on the stage and grab her off and scream "this is a mistake, my baby isn't old enough for this to happen", however, I did refrain. As difficult as it is for me to let her go , I'm so excited to see what God has planned for her in the future. She's a great girl and I know she can accomplish anything she feels led to do. Congratulations baby girl. . .we love you, forever and always!
4 years ago
Congrats to Tiffani!
She is a great girl and I know she'll do really well as she moves on to college. :)
Why do our babies insist on growing up so fast? I guess it is what we get for potty training them. Definately should have thought that through a little more.
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