This past Saturday, October 25th, the daughter of one of my dearest friends got married. I was fortunate enough to be asked to sing for the wedding, so that meant that I got to spend lots of time with the family during all the rehearsals, ceremony, etc. It was so wonderful to be together will all of them again. When you don't see people much you tend to forget how special your times together are. I haven't laughed that much in a long time. The giggles were in abundance I tell ya. The girls had asked me to sing a special song for their mom (my friend, Brenda). It was a song that she especially liked and they wanted to surprise her by having me sing it at the wedding. I knew it would make her cry so I didn't look at her. . .besides that I knew she was gonna be mad at me for making her cry. I told her it wasn't my fault. . .the girls asked and I couldn't tell them no!
After the wedding, while I was driving home, I realized how much I'm going to miss spending time with Brenda once I move to Ireland. Although we don't see each other as much as we would like, I always knew she was there, and the opportunity was always there to get together. It hit me Saturday that although Brenda and I will always be the best of friends, the opportunity to get together whenever we want will soon be lost. That makes me very sad! I wonder why we get so busy that we let important things like spending time with family and friends take a back seat to work and other less important things? I know it's a common fact of life, but it doesn't make me feel any less sad. I've been a "weepy" mess since Saturday. I think I will probably own stock in Kleenex tissues by the time I leave the states. I wish I could take all my family and friends with me to Ireland!
4 years ago