My friend Cheryl informed me the other day that since I was now a "stay at home women" she saw no reason why my blog was not being updated on a more regular basis. Well, Cheryl, this blogs for you!
I will try, from this point on, to update my blog at least once a week. I probably will never be a "daily blogger". My life is neither that interesting nor that exciting; however, there really is no reason why I can't come up with enough information to make an entry each week. Besides that, I would hate to think that poor Cheryl has nothing new to read when she logs on to my blog.
For all of you "blog followers", if you ever find yourself in Hartville, Ohio, stop in and see Cheryl at Crosswalk Christian Bookstore. She's there Monday through Saturday. She would love your company and your patronage. Tell her Marilyn sent you. You won't get anything free (well, maybe a smile), but the conversation will sure take a new direction, hahahahaha!
Okay Cheryl, there's your business plug. . .now where's my money???????
4 years ago
1 comment:
Checks in the mail! Honest!! Cheryl
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