A lot has happened since my last blog! I'll start with the event that at first seems to be the worst thing to happen. On Friday, October 10th, I was informed that my position was being done away with. . .I was being let go due to "cut-backs". Naturally I was a little confused as to why God was allowing this to happen. I really couldn't afford to lose my job right now and I knew God knew that! I was trying to tell myself that God had everything under control, but I have to admit, I was failing miserably in that quest. As I drove home in tears all I could do was pray that God had something better planned. Well, He did! Within two and a half hours of getting home I received a phone call that removed all doubt as to rather God was still in control of this situation. I'll skip all the details for the sake of space, but I will tell you that God has provided the money so that I am now able to stay home and concentrate fully on packing, and spending quality time with family and friends. He literally gave me what I wanted most. . .the ability to spend my last nine months in the states soaking up as much family, and friend time as I possibly can. Once again God has shown me that when we are doing what He wants us to do, He will provide everything we need (sometimes, He even gives us our personal desires). And to think I was concerned . . .silly me!
I had to go the the dentist today. Like most people, I don't find much pleasure, joy or happiness at the dentist office; however, sometimes it's necessary to make the trip. Today, was one of those necessary days. I had a crown that needed to be done prior to our move to Ireland, so like a good girl I spent two hours of quality time with my dentist this morning. . .great fun I tell ya. The really fun part was that when I made this appointment I was still working, so to insure that I wouldn't miss to much work, I made my appointment for 6:45 am! By the time I lost my job (on Friday), it was to late to change my appointment time, which meant I had to be up at 5:00 am on my first day as an unemployed person. YUCKY! Don't worry though. . .I plan on making up for it tomorrow morning, hahahahaha.
4 years ago
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