I've taken a short break from packing in order to nurse my cold. Stupid cold! I hate being sick, it just interferes with everything. I stayed home from music lessons and choir last night to give myself some added rest. I do feel a little better this morning, so maybe I'm done with the worst of it.
I did get my new key made for my truck (remember, I threw my original key away, duh!). It works like a charm. The man at the Ford dealership told me had my truck been a year older they could not have made a key. Something about it missing a key code and the computer only stored these numbers back through 1999. Thank the Lord my truck is a '99. Another perfect example of small blessings that usually go unnoticed. I love the way God takes care of us despite our own stupidity.
We met new friends the other evening, which was great fun. God allowed our paths to cross with a young missionary couple who are on deputation to Ireland! The Bowman's have just started their "deputation journey", but we are praying that God will supply their support quickly. Although we had never met them before, it felt as if we were old friends just catching up again. We were able to spend Tuesday evening with them and their five sons, and let me tell you, the giggles were abundant. We talked about Ireland, about missions and shared many deputation stories. I look forward to the day when both of our families are in Ireland, and we can share our new friendship and our new ministries together. They are currently looking to start up in the County Kerry region, specifically the town of Killarney. Please add them to your prayer list, as they have a long road ahead of them. God is so good! He's already started supplying us with good Christian friends to share in our new life/ministry in the country of Ireland.
4 years ago
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