Recently our family has started having regular game nights. Nothing fancy, just lots of snacks and bunches of laughs. Those present usually include Bob and I, along with our three girls, our son in law and my parents. Everyone usually brings a snack of some sort and we spend the evening playing games and eating. Let's see, family, laughter and lots of food. . .sounds like a perfect evening to me, hahahahaha!
Last night as my parents were leaving and we were done with the normal "goodbyes", my mom turned to me and made this comment, "why haven't we been doing this all along, why did we wait so long to have a planned family night?". My response, "I don't know mom, I guess we thought we were just too busy". TOO BUSY! Are you serious? How can we be too busy to spend time with family and even friends for that matter. I look back now and wonder why I let work and other "junk" be more important than time with the people who love me the most.
I understand our situation may be different than most. Our family realizes that in four months Bob and I will be moving to Ireland. Once that move is made our only contact with our girls and parents will be through webcams, email, facebook and "snail-mail". Your family may not be leaving the country, but that doesn't mean that the people you love the most will always be with you. I think of all the "family game nights" we could have had if we had just planned a regular evening a couple of times a month to get together.
Your homework (as my faithful blog followers), is to determine to take advantage of every opportunity to be with family and friends. Don't let things that have no eternal value keep you from enjoying life the way God intended you to. . .surrounded by family and good Christian friends.
4 years ago
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