Have you ever had one of those "duh moments", when that proverbial light bulb comes on in your head and you finally realize that God has and is answering your prayers? Let me explain! Since we returned from Ireland back in June, I have been praying that God would completely break my heart for the country of Ireland. I wanted Him to give me a love for the Irish people that runs so deeply in my soul that I would wake up every morning wishing that this would be the day that we leave. Well, the other day I was watching our missions presentation video on my computer, and I found myself crying. I'm talking real tears down the cheek and the whole deal. Now, I wish I could tell you that my reason for watching the video was to fast and pray for Ireland, but my reason was much more selfish and much less spiritual. You see, I was trying to figure out a way to change the picture that my husband used. On a side note, why is it that men always choose the WORST picture they can find of the family (or at least of you) when they are doing things like this?????? Anyway, back to the story. . .so there I am watching our video and wondering why I can't seem to stop crying. This is where the "duh moment" happened!
At this moment it dawned on me that the last couple of times we had shown our video at missions conferences I have had to fight to hold back the tears. I just figured I was having "one of those days". However, when I couldn't hold the tears back anymore the other day, I finally realized what was happening. God was and is truly answering my prayers in a BIG way. I don't know if I can explain this in a way that those of you reading this entry will be able to completely understand, but when I see those pictures of Ireland I feel like my heart will explode if I don't get there soon. There is no place else in this world that I would rather be!
Please join me in prayer for the country of Ireland and it's amazing people. Pray that God can and will use me in very special way in that country. Praise God that once again He has shown Himself amazing!
4 years ago
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